"This game seems to have a reference to me. That clearly marks it as a top-notch product, of a quality seldom seen in gaming today."

The World of Terra


[Love and War: Scattered Pages]

[Love and War: Mea Culpa]

[Love and War: Lavie’s Letter]


Watch C’est Lavie!
Watch Love and 24
Watch C’est Lavie Too!


Act I

[Thumbnail: Lavie and Mr. Bear]

[Thumbnail: Lavie clutches Ryan’s arm]

[Thumbnail: Lavie primps]

[Thumbnail: Marianne and Ryan]

[Thumbnail: The Three Compadres]

Act II

[Thumbnail: Lavender Regale]

[Thumbnail: Lavender Regale again]

C’est Lavie!

[Thumbnail: Lavie wakes up from a dream]

[Thumbnail: Lavie relaxes with Mr. Bear]

Last modified on 2020/11/29.