"Okay… Um… The words 'feeling' and 'bad' spring immediately to mind…"
—Armin Tamas, Love and War

News Archive



December 25th, 2006

[Image: Christmas in Davenport]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! Wow, the Love and War page has been up for an entire year… I can scarcely believe it. I’d like to thank Typhoon once again for the use of his webspace and his tireless efforts of webmastery. 2006 passes in a few days… I sincerely hope that 2007 will mark a new dawn for Love and War!

November 30th, 2006

I’ve received a number of e-mails from people who say that the font makes words all scrunched in and difficult to read when playing LAW. I’ve no idea what causes this, but there is a solution! Download and install the font patch and the text should be readable once again. Hope that helps.

October 21st, 2006

Act I of Love and War has taken first place in the Kamain’s World Gaming Expo!

[Image: 1st Place]

Congratulations to all who participated.

September 30th, 2006

A new piece of fan art has been added! Check it out over at Fan Contributions.

August 31st, 2006

The Love and War page has moved! Please update your bookmarks to http://www.blue-light.net/law/.

A big thank you goes out to Typhoon for providing the webspace for LAW’s new home.

July 26th, 2006

A new “official” wallpaper by Dre (two, technically!) from C’est Lavie! has been added to The World of Terra. Check it out!

Speaking of C’est Lavie!, it looks like it was received quite well, and I’m glad to hear it. Perhaps in the future, more such miniprojects will be attempted. I know I have ideas for more! But for now, I’ll get back to the process of working on Act II.

June 30th, 2006

[Screen shot: Ryan and Lavie share an awkward moment]
Ryan and Lavie share an awkward moment

Good day to you, everyone! I’m feeling fairly excited, as finally the miniproject I’ve been working on now and then finally is complete. I present to you: C’est Lavie! A fifteen minute cutscene starring the demure damsel of Davenport, Lavie! Co-starring the, uh, rambunctious rascal of… Whatever, it’s Ryan!

Part labor of love, and part mad scientist experiment, please tell me what you think, either through e-mail, or by posting in the forum. Your feedback will help me decide if I should make more such “miniprojects,” as well as continue with voice acting.

Yes, voice acting! I’m toying with the idea of including limited voice acting in future Acts if it turns out well. Let’s see how it goes.


May 15th, 2006

Whoa, April sure was a terrible month for me. Ah well, it’s over now, right?

Something (a little something) should be coming your way in the not-so-distant future, if everything works out as I hope it will. What sort of “something” might it be? Well, nothing too fancy, but I think I like it, and I hope you will as well. Hint: Its subject matter leans towards the first word in LAW!

April 1st, 2006

DAVENPORT, Galvenia (AP)—In news that has sent shockwaves throughout the gaming community, Microsoft Corp. Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates today announced the total acquisition of RPG Maker property Love and War.

[Screen shot: Lavie contemplates a console purchase]
Lavie contemplates a console purchase

“We’ve always been on the lookout for new and exciting additions to our growing family of quality video games,” Gates said in a prepared release. “Today we’ve taken another step on this road, and we are proud to announce Microsoft’s Love and War.”

“Moving Love and War from a freeware production to an Xbox 360 exclusive was a decision that made perfect sense,” said chief development head Admiral Styles, who was wearing a pair of solid gold sunglasses, multiple bejeweled rings, and several furs. “And you can still expect the same levels of quality, especially in terms of graphics, that has been the hallmark of the Love and War series. We’ll probably add in some really hard to kill monster too, that has a three percent chance of dropping a sword, or something.”

“I still can’t find my way out the Baron Snake Cave, but I’m not giving up yet!” joked Gates, to laughter and applause.

Fans of the series have responded with guarded optimism. “Well, I’m a little concerned, especially since I don’t have an Xbox 360,” opined one “Phoenix.” “But… Lavie…” After a few seconds of quiet contemplation, he added, “Se, ur vår kärlek skall gå opp. Ditt ljus, din glans, din fröjd, ditt hopp…”

“Grand Moff Ogre” had a different take. “I can’t see anything but positives in this. It’s good for Microsoft, good for LAW, and good for gamers in general. I know that I’ll be getting my copy the very second it shows up in stores, that’s for sure!” he said enthusiastically.

“Now, I have to go spend this money, that I legally obtained,” he added, walking away with a wheelbarrow full of gold bullion.

Microsoft’s Love and War: Act I Professional Media Center Edition is expected to be released Q2 2007, as an Xbox 360 exclusive.

March 3rd, 2006

After being unexpectedly deleted (when CJB changed their rules all of a sudden), the LAW forum is up and running once again. Stop on by and say hello sometime!

February 14th, 2006

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope this February 14 finds you well. I’ll be occupied myself today, with a nice, yet hot… cup of soup. How about y’all? I wonder how the LAW cast would spend Valentine’s Day…

A new piece of fan art has been added, featuring the ever-lovable Lavie! Take a gander over at Fan Contributions.

January 21st, 2006

A new piece of “official” art by Dre has been added to the World of Terra. It features the Three Compadres, so check it out!

January 7th, 2006

Happy New Year! Hopefully 2006 will be the herald of good news, and great things. A new piece of fan art has been added: check it out in Fan Contributions!

Work on Act II continues. The remake of Act I has prompted a significant remake of material in Act II as well. It can be tiring at times, but is probably for the best. Guess I’ve progressed at least a little bit, skillwise, since those early days of 2002? Only time will tell…

Admiral Styles

Last modified on 2020/11/29.