—Lucky the dog, Love and War

News Archive



December 24th, 2007

Good day to you, friendly LAWyers and LAWyettes! I am pleased to announce the unveiling of a new Love and War CaféPress store. It features a small smattering of various products right now (T-shirts, buttons, stickers) but the most recently added product is a set of six mugs, each featuring art of a different character from Act I. Unfortunately, CaféPress’s “Basic” store only permits one of each product, so only the Lavie and Marianne mugs are represented at the moment. I will try to rotate them around every now and then. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or requests, please feel free to send me an e-mail. Hopefully, this will be just the beginning. Thank you, and I and everyone in Davenport wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

November 30th, 2007

There are occassions when RPG Maker 2000 can be both liberating and frustrating at the same time.

I am pretty glad the program exists, of course, and that Don Miguel translated it all those years ago. Without that, there would have been no Love and War. (To say nothing of all the other RM offerings out there!) That an “RPG Maker” could exist at all; that making RPGs is no longer restricted only to programmers and professional companies is a pretty amazing thing.

On the other hand, I find it can be a challenge at times to get certain subtleties across. When making a scene in an RPG, you mostly have to rely on dialogue to get things across. Certainly you can edit graphics, choose appropriate music and so on, but sometimes your little sprites just can’t get across precisely what you’re trying to convey. How you say something is often just as important as what you say, and that often can be quite hard to replicate in your average cutscene. “The girl nervously fidgets. She constantly makes minor adjustments to her hair and clothes. She glances at the door every minute.” Nothing’s been said yet, but we’ve established a fair bit. All of this is not really easily demonstrated in RM2K.

Ah, well. That’s why you have to think a little differently sometimes, and try to work around the restrictions imposed upon you. That can be fun, too.

October 16th, 2007

Some very interesting results from the poll; looks like reactions to a potential calendar are pretty mixed. Nevertheless, it looks like there is, a fair bit of interest there, so I’ll be looking into the possibility further. When I have more specifics, I’ll mention them here. Thanks to all who participated in the poll!

September 3rd, 2007

Greetings, noble LAWyers and LAWyettes, and to those who who just stumbled across the page accidentally! Today I’d like to test the waters a bit, and inquire as to whether Love and War merchandise might be of interest to you. What do you think? Without further ado, here’s the poll—please vote, and let me know what you think!

Would you be interested in purchasing a Love and War calendar, featuring artwork of the girls of Davenport?
I would definitely buy it without hesitation!5 votes 5
If the price was right, yes!17 votes 17
I’d be interested in learning more.9 votes 9
Not sure.7 votes 7
Maybe, but I probably wouldn’t.13 votes 13
Absolutely not!9 votes 9
Total votes60

August 22nd, 2007

A new piece of fan art has been added to Fan Contributions, featuring six of the most famous people from Davenport!

July 6th, 2007

I’ve updated both versions of LAW to fix a handful of minor bugs. Hope all the Americans out there had a happy Independence Day!

June 27th, 2007

Two new pieces of fan art have been added to Fan Contributions!

May 30th, 2007

A new piece of fan art has been added to Fan Contributions.

April 16th, 2007

A new piece of fan art has been added, featuring the stalwart Henrik Spenson! Take a look over at Fan Contributions.

March 31st, 2007

[Image: The President of the United States of America]

Why didn’t you e-mail me, Mr. President?!

February 5th, 2007

Two new pieces of fan art have been added, both drawn by Gotmilkextreme2. Check them out over at Fan Contributions! You can also comment on them here.

January 22nd, 2007

The first news update of the New Year! And what better way is there to celebrate the new year than with a nifty new advertisement for Love and War?

[Image: Love and War ad]

I’m actually feeling more hopeful on LAW than I have in a while. With new mappers on the job, a new artist, and steady progress being made, I think the future is looking bright for Act II.

Admiral Styles

Last modified on 2020/11/29.