"You've supped from the brew that lesser men dare not dream of?"
—Henrik Spenson, Love and War
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a Happy St. Mikhail’s Day!
Pages 32–42 of Mea Culpa have been uploaded! You can find them here.
Love and War: Lavie’s Letter is now complete! You can check it out here. I hope you enjoyed this little sidestory featuring Lavie!
And now we’ll be returning to Part III of Love and War: Mea Culpa! The first three pages are up, and you can find them over here.
I hope you enjoy, and let us know what you think!
Time for a news update! As you may or may not have noticed, the LAW page has moved! We are now at: https://loveandwartherpg.com/ Our noble webmaster Typhoon has set up some very useful redirects I believe, so clicking on links to the old page will take you here, happily enough. Big thanks to Typhoon, as always, for making this all possible!
Secondly, I’m pleased as punch to announce Love and War: Lavie’s Letter, the newest comic set in the LAW universe, starring Lavie Regale!
I’ve partnered up with House of Imagi Studio for this one. You’ll be able to read through it here on the LAW website, and also on our brand new Tapas Comics page! If you happen to have an account over on Tapas, feel free to hit “Subscribe” if you like, we’d love to have you!
Finally, three new pieces of art have been added to Fan Contributions!
That’s all for right now. Hopefully, I’ll have some cool new things to talk about in the near future!
2019 continues to roll on—here comes some new artwork! Two new pieces of art have been added to Fan Contributions!
Last modified on 2020/11/29.
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