"Of course, Kaleb… Of course…"
—Samath, Love and War
Pages 6–11 of Chapter 4 have been uploaded here. I hope you enjoy, and I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy St. Mikhail's Day!
Love and War: The Manga returns, with a new artist! Check out the first five pages of Chapter 4 here. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Pages 16-22 of Chapter 3 are up! And with that, Chapter 3 comes to a close. Hope you enjoy, and the first few pages of Chapter 4 will be coming next month!
The first fifteen pages of Chapter 3 are up! Hope you enjoy, and as always, feel free to let me know what you think!
Pages 25–33 of Chapter 2 have been uploaded! You can check them out here.
And that brings Chapter 2 to a close! Chapter 3 will be right behind it, along with a new artist and new art style. Hope you enjoy!
Pages 12–24 of Chapter 2 have been uploaded! You can check them out here.
Pages 1–11 of Chapter 2 have been uploaded! Check them out here.
Greetings and salutations, all! It feels like it’s been forever and a day, but I’m very, very happy to announce a new beginning for Love and War: now to be released in manga format!
This has certainly been a long time coming, and as with all things LAW, it has suffered many a setback here and there. But the time has come to move forward, and once a month we’ll be releasing new pages here and elsewhere, with the first pages of Chapter 2 coming next! I very much hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let me know!
Last modified on 2020/11/29.
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