"Wise words. But also weak ones!"
—Representative Jedda, Love and War

News Archive



December 15th, 2018

[Merry Christmas]
Ryan and Lavie, putting together a happy snowman. A flashback to the past, or a portent of things to come? By Aramisdream.

Merry Christmas and Happy St. Mikhail’s Day!

November 28th, 2018

Pages 21–28 of Mea Culpa have been uploaded! You can find them here.

With Part II finished, Love and War: Mea Culpa once again goes on hiatus, for now. Hopefully it will be concluded sometime in 2019! Come share any thoughts, questions, or comments you might have with us in the LAW forum!

October 24th, 2018

Love and War: C’est Lavie Too! has been released! (Bet you weren’t expecting that.)

C’est Lavie Too! is a sequel (of sorts) to C’est Lavie! Once again it seems Lavie and Ryan are meeting in Davenport Park. What will happen now?

Many, many thanks to everyone who contributed, especially Aekenon, who edited the video together!

September 30th, 2018

Pages 17–20 of Mea Culpa have been uploaded! You can find them here.

September 4th, 2018

Love and War: Mea Culpa returns, with Part 2! You can find the first page here.

June 24th, 2018

Pages 13–15 of Mea Culpa have been uploaded! You can find them here.

And so Love and War: Mea Culpa comes to an end, for now. The comic will be going on hiatus for a while and a half. What do you think of it so far? Come share your thoughts with us in the LAW Forum!

June 6th, 2018

Pages 9–12 of Mea Culpa have been uploaded! You can find them here.

May 5th, 2018

Pages 4–8 of Mea Culpa have been uploaded! You can find them here.

April 1st, 2018

And now, it’s time for an episode of Armin Tamas Reads… Love and War: Mea Culpa!

(...Happy April Fools Day!)

March 14th, 2018

[Love and War: Mea Culpa cover]

Hello, everyone! I am pleased as punch to announce Love and War: Mea Culpa, a new Love and War story to be told in manga format! New pages will be going up every Saturday, on the Facebook page, and in the LAW forum, and four pages at a time will be put up here at the LAW web page every month! This will continue until Part I is complete. I very much hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions or comments, please let me know!

January 28th, 2018

It’s a brand new year—time for more artwork! Two new pieces of art have been added to Fan Contributions!

[Thumbnail: Lavie with a pinwheel] Lavie with a pinwheel. Is it a windy day? By Yupachu.
[Thumbnail: Sheila Eramond] Ryan’s mother, Sheila Eramond! By Arcan-Anzas.

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Last modified on 2020/11/29.